eCommerce Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts websites and products are currently experiencing a mini-boom. Now that it is easier than ever to source high-quality materials and turn your hobby into a business online, the time is perfect to have your own website to sell your wares. So what are the advantages of having your own arts & crafts website? Let us get you started with just a few of them…

Open for business 24/7

One of the biggest benefits of any online business is that you get to be open 24/7. As long as your website is functioning as it should, customers can checkout and pay at any time of day, even when you sleep! This significantly increases the amount of opportunities you have at making sales.

Be in control of your own space on the web

Having your own website is so important as you have the final say on the products and the design of everything that you sell. You can make your storefront theme look exactly how you want it to, without bending to the often rigid format of online marketplaces.

Lower fees = higher profits

Selling through your own website is where you are going to keep the most amount of money from your sales. Website fees and any card fees that you might have to front are often minimal compared to selling on the likes of Amazon and Etsy, where they take good chunks of your final sale price as their own commission. Having your own website means lower fees and higher profits.

Easy to manage stock

Having your own site means being able to manage stock more efficiently. Most website hosting platforms have built in stock management software that automatically decreases when you make sales. Many of them also often have functions like “On backorder” to ensure that you can still make sales even when you’re completely out of stock.

Sell to the world

It can seem a little scary at first but having your own arts & crafts website means that you can be open for business to the entire world. Couriers like Royal Mail provide very reasonable rates and transit times to almost every country in the world. It goes without saying that selling to the entire world and not just your local community is a complete game changer when it comes to scale and profits.